• This forum is the machine-generated translation of www.cad3d.it/forum1 - the Italian design community. Several terms are not translated correctly.


  1. matrix explosion

    Hello, everyone. I have been using it for a few months. I have a problem with both rectangular and circular matrixes, both in part design environment and in shape environment: When I try to explode the matrix to isolate the generated sketches or solids (dx key on the matrix in the logical...
  2. command txtexp on written curve

    Good morning. I am new to the forum so shake me for any errors. I would have the necessities of having to explode a text that was previously placed on an arc with the command 'arctext'. the problem arises when I try to type the 'txtexp' command, just to try to explode the text and then extrude...
  3. create explosions in inventor

    Bye to all, How do explosions in inventor professional 2017? ! those that I can then put on the table, list and post the parts, and move to the assembly to have clear instructions on how to mount my set? etc. etc. and that I also use to verify that I have thought of a "possible" mounting. I...
  4. explosions from pro/e in inventor

    Hello everyone! I am brand new to the forum and I apologize if there is already such a discussion but I couldn't find it. I have the need to create explosions from rows of proes and then make table harvests for dexteristics. in general use inventor. for what I read (and then found), in relation...

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