Good morning to all,
when carrying a drawing in format .dwg which consists of multiple sheets the program generates a file .dwg for each single sheet in the file. what does not happen with .pdf that "allegates" all in a unique file.
this generates confusion during storage and consultation of...
hi to everyone, sorry but to avoid confusion I opened another discussion by linking me to the following: am using the macros to export idw files in pdf and dxf and it works perfectly (ringrazio cataphrase) but now...
Good morning to all,
in the study where work began to use revit and is now faced with having to define the standards of use of the program.
after defining an encoding for the views it has now passed to analyze the export of the drawings (views and tables) on editable dwg files in autocad, to...
Hello everyone,
is there any way in solidworks 2015 to export simultaneously to dxf more parts of the same together (of course the same material and the same thickness)? Besides, it happens to me that the program doesn't remember the last export folder, is there any way to get it done?
hi, I hope it's the right section as we work with solidworks. the problem is this: tire patterns and old machine designs are within a very old pc in me10 format that draw from a linux server. one of the two pcs has already jumped, repairing it does not make sense (year 2000) and me10 has been...
Good morning to all, I am new in this community and I immediately wanted to ask you this question:
I made a table of a pretty heavy design. finished the table I try to make the dwg (as every time) and gives me: error on the views 1 - 2 - 3 etc...
I tried them all, for example to put the quality...
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