• This forum is the machine-generated translation of www.cad3d.it/forum1 - the Italian design community. Several terms are not translated correctly.


  1. window default issue in layout cad 2018 (no grip)

    Hello everyone, I'm freaking out because on cad18 I can't delete the default window on one of the layouts I created... in a few words I can move inside with pan, zoom etc... But there are no grip (or are not viewable, boh!) to eliminate or enlarge/decrease it! This is the automatic "default"...
  2. set the same template to many files automatically

    Hello, everyone. I have so many folders with as many files (about 700 files in everything). are all drawings of the same mechanical piece but with variations (lengths, diameters, etc.). what I have to do is to engage all these tables with a same format (with logo and table name). I created a...
  3. modify part of the nome layout e layer

    Good morning I'm luca, new member of the group. I tried to search in the forum but at the discussion (https://www.cad3d.it/forum1/threads/28456-rinominare-contemporaneamente-pi%c3%b9-layout?p=411384#post411384) I did not find the solution. I ask if you can replace a part of the name of both the...
  4. the layout disappears in the catia

    Hello. I reopened a cat file where I was assembling, until a few days ago, a set in top-down mode. reopening the layout I had inserted disappeared or better you see a gray layout. I didn't move any files so, how can I see the layout again?This is the case:
  5. snap problem in layout windows

    Hello, everyone! problem this morning, that until yesterday I did not find: Layout windows have no snap and when they select it gives me a central grip that automatically sends me back to the annotation scales. by selecting the single window, you can drag the tops and even reposition it from...
  6. use multiple ctb within a layout

    Hello everyone! use autocad 2014 for work. I hope not to say a blasphemy, but is it possible to assign several ctb to different windows within the same layout? I would like to use the same layers for drawings at different scales and then use different ctb to have a good print, but I found myself...
  7. assonometry 3d autocad of a portion of urban fabric

    Hello everyone, I created a 3d model of a portion of fabric, extruding buildings in simple volumes over a 2d base. I would like to export an image assonometric of the "pulita" model, without overlapping lines and maintaining the right layers. I tried the flatshot command that works on...
  8. [question] fillings during printing

    hello to everyone, I have a problem that has been bothering me for days: I am on the print layout, I need to print walls that have a dash and a filling, as I do (only on the layout) to remove the filling (only the filling not the retino), I tried to put white but I have a insole under the...
  9. move the view of the windows in the layout of a prefixed distance

    good evening to all, I read a little posts about displaying windows, etc., but I did not find solution to my question. can you move the view of the window of a distance I already know? example, in the model I have a series of drawings that represent phases of advancement placed at a distance...
  10. activate/disable sections in views

    I ask your help for a problem (possibly banal) in the table setting of a drawing in 3d. I would need to create a layout containing various views of the same object 3d place in the model space. This is a pillar of which I intend to make views of the various prospectuses and then sections (see...
  11. change scale type line

    Hi I have just entered, it is at least 8 years that I use autocad and 2 years that I use it for profit purposes. This is the first time I face a problem that I can't really solve with free internet information and considering that I enrolled here I came to mind to put my problem on you hoping...
  12. congelare a layer in tutte le finetre dei layout esistenti

    Maybe I lose myself in a glass of water... ho autodad 2014 from the layer settings I can freeze a window layer by window, or freeze it in all new windows. now I have various layouts and various windows already ready... I added a layer and would like to see it only in a window: is there a way to...
  13. tool print scale

    Hello, everyone. Since I am often asked what value to insert during the printing process to have the desired scale I propose to you this small utility that serves this purpose. you find it on my website:http://www.archistico.com/portfolio/1845/just extract the zip file in any folder and start...
  14. print layout and rotated views

    Hi. I have a problem. when I put the drawing in the layout I need to rotate a view. For example, I have to go from "-" to "|". I clearly don't want to rotate the object otherwise I get the other windows high, I just have to turn the view. the problem is that the view3d is "manual" and I can't...

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