hello to all, I tried to create a mixed set of plates, plates and profiles. I have struggled to place them in the exact positions I wanted and then even more in wanting to move them (simulating a design phase where the odds are not definitive). the main difficulties I have encountered have been in the continuous errors in the bonds of assembly that I initially neglected but that then they accumulated and the program began to disassemble by moving me all the parts. then every time I established the first relationship, for example "planar alignment", the part was moved out of field and I was forced to zoom out to go to repeat and establish the next relationship. I wanted to ask you some general advice on how to use the co-responsibility reports effectively without having to continually suppress or delete the reports as soon as you move something and if you can prevent the part of "flying" on one side of the axieme when I insert the first co-relationships. I'm sorry to have a good day.