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conceptual approach patran


hello to all:) are new in this forum. I'm approaching the patran/nastran program because of the thesis in engineering. Since they are at the very first weapons, can someone kindly explain to me what is the conceptual setting that is at the base of these software? How should I proceed to realize the fem modeling of a given component? What is the logic behind it?
I hope someone can help me! )
a more general question could you ask? Maybe you're too specific! !
patran is a pre/post means that with this software the pre-processing work is carried out, that is to create elements, constraints and loads.
then the model goes to the solutor, nastran, which determines what we requested (deformed, stress, etc.). another file is reloaded in patran and associated with the template to view results. This is the post processing phase.

therefore the logic to make an analysis of a component is:

import the surface / solid into patran.
create mesh and verify that the elements are valid, there are no free edges, etc.
apply constraints
apply loads
insert the characteristics of materials
give properties to elements
insert analysis parameters (analysis type, output requests)
export from patran the launch file of nastran
turn nastran
import the result file
post process results

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