What is it? Can you show us?si e non c'è
f1 key or with the search bar at the top right. when you go into insert->cut try to press customization and check that "surface" is enabled.How do you look at the online guide?
Does the surface close inside the solid? if it is open it is not possible to cut. would serve the model to understand well. If you have to make a hollow type mold, you should make a boolean between solids, without going through the surfaces. If you are in the environment together you can use the cavity command.I found the command "cut with surfaces" at lasteee (thanks a thousand @re_solidworks), I extracted the surface of the piece (red surfaces) with the command "unisci" (I think it is right like this). But now it doesn't make me cut the solid with the fateful command
Where am I wrong?
I consulted the online guide but did not find the command that allows me to "remit" the default layout.. How do you do that?
Thank you.
seems correct@vittorio here is the screen you requested
I could help you if the problem was in the catia section, solidworks I know little, surely there are experts who will give you advice.but in fact it is perfect.. I can't really understand why not cut
Is there a way to find any holes?