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importare file dxf come sketch in un drawing


Hello, everyone!
are new in this forum and then follow two words of presentation: I have obtained from not long the degree in biomedical engineering and in the short working experience I have been able to interface with creo.
the problem I would like to ask you today is as follows: how to import a dxf file as sketch in a drawing using pro/e.
I try to explain myself better.
the .dxf file that I have available consists of a set of points.
my intention is to generate the drawing of a part (e.g. a.prt) and then from the "sketch" menu of the drawing window use the points from the .dxf file as an entity 2d to overlap to the already present drawing of a.prt.
However if I follow the sketch path > insert > from file system > select file dxf > ok, nothing happens.
I tried to import the same dxf file into a sketcher apart with the intent then to make a copy and paste of the points but again nothing happens.
if instead I try to open the dxf as part, this then turns out to me as an imported feature and then I don't know how to operate.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to operate? I would be very grateful!
I hope I can soon return the favor!
Hello, in the meantime a couple of things: the first when you tentibdi import the dxf into the message log (usually down) you should appear error message; the second, from what you describe, I would say that your dxf is a 3d (points cloud) so that it can be imported as two-dimensional.
Hello, in the meantime a couple of things: the first when you tentibdi import the dxf into the message log (usually down) you should appear error message; the second, from what you describe, I would say that your dxf is a 3d (points cloud) so that it can be imported as two-dimensional.
hello go and thank you very much for your answer!
Then, as for the message, one appears at the top, but it is not an error message: "process of current interface data". However, there is nothing waiting or working, the cursor returns to be a white dart
regarding the cloud of points: is not importable even if the points are all on the same floor? Do I have to make a projection of the points on the floor first?
do you have any suggestions on how to do as described in the previous message?

Thank you very much
the message is high because they are your interface settings so, but high or low little matter; Let's say that nn releases you no interesting message.
I confirm that the cloud of points is a 3d so nn importable in unbdraeing, but as you say, you can make a drawing with the projection of the cloud and then import that in your drawing or you can connect to the final drawing also the model a.prt and make the projection that interests you can make coincide with the view of control. so you would have a more associative solution.
the message is high because they are your interface settings so, but high or low little matter; Let's say that nn releases you no interesting message.
I confirm that the cloud of points is a 3d so nn importable in unbdraeing, but as you say, you can make a drawing with the projection of the cloud and then import that in your drawing or you can connect to the final drawing also the model a.prt and make the projection that interests you can make coincide with the view of control. so you would have a more associative solution.
Thank you again!
Can I ask you to kindly point out the operational steps to implement one of the two options you have shown me?
case a) I have a model a.prt, I create a drawing a.prt tied to the model with the creation of the first general view oriented exactly with the plan of the points. except for everything. in drawing where you compare you have to use the layout/insert/import drawing command that allows you to import 1610535826712.webpSo then you're good.

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