right (Art. 23 c.1 and c. 2).
to deepen, I refer to a pronouncement of the criminal case, sez. ii. 1 October 2013 n. 40590, in which it is stated that the ban finds a derogation where the sale is carried out for an exclusive repair of the machine in view of a future use, once restored and put to standard.. ..
Accordingly, it is forbidden to use machinery not as standard (ref. d.lgs. 81/08 all. v) with the consequence that a sale of products of this fact is, as a rule, prohibited according to the consequence and normality of the use of the machine in the production cycle, in the perspective of the passage of the industrial product to the next economic phase (use), according to the
supreme court where it is said that “....this last passage is not there (as in the case of the stationing of the machinery at a company specialized exclusively in the repair for standardization with well specified tasks that inhibit a subsequent use. .), the sale of a machinery cannot be considered prohibited as having a very limited purpose, without any forecast of use».
in practice confirming what was written in previous posts and that the machine used without certification can only be sold to specialized companies for revision (or demolition).
I think we're out of context.
all of you quoted includes machines "not to norm", but this is not the point. any machine becomes "non-standard" when one of the rules according to which it was designed is repealed or updated. If the ratio legis was this would mean that I buy a new machine, marked there, and next year I have to throw it away or return it to the manufacturer because not "as a rule".
here we talk about a different context. a machine built in 1994 and perfectly working until two months ago. question, was it lawful to use it? I bought it, it works, the risk assessment pursuant to art.17 tu81 tells me that I can use it safely, what would be the law that tells me that I have to throw it away?
two months ago I fail, the car is bought by my auditorium doing the same job. How by magic does the machine become "not normal"? here we are forgetting that one of the foundations of 2006/42/ce (which here does not apply, but still gives important guidelines) is that safety is inherent in the machine, and not formal according to the presence of documents. So if a car was safe two months ago, why shouldn't it be today?
But how do I know if she's specific in my company?
lgs. n. 81/2008, establishes that "production, sale, rental and concession in use of work equipment, individual protection devices and plants are prohibited. non In accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to health and safety at work.
Right. What are the laws? d.lsg 81/08. That is not all because the machine directive speaks of "marketing". and the machine was put on the market in 1994, when the machine directive did not exist.
d.lsg 81/08 says that I have to do an analysis according to the requirements of Annex v. I do it, and I find that in my business context the use of this machine is perfectly safe. certain today modern machines have a few extra shortcomings, inserting them does not entail substantial change, add them, what is the problem?
here <
https://www.confindustriabergamo.it...isciplina-delle-macchine-usate-edizione-2005-> you can find the 2011 edition of the guide bookcase for used machines. here the life cycle of the machine is very clear:
therefore with certificate of conformity that machine can be used. on this point we agree or believe that what has been said by federmacchine is contrary to the legislation in force (I point out that the judgment of the Court of Cassation cited by
@terastore is next to 2011, so if isocontextual has more value)?
If we agree on this, then we find ourselves in the following situation:
- safe car
- material impossibility that a failed subject emits a declaration of conformity
- unavailability of any manufacturer to put his hands on that machine (marking it is non-economic under all points of view)
- availability (economic and skills) of the buyer to satisfy the non-analysis of the seller.
what would be the ratio legis that in the absence of a piece of paper forces me to throw away the car?