• This forum is the machine-generated translation of www.cad3d.it/forum1 - the Italian design community. Several terms are not translated correctly.



I introduce myself to a mechanical engineering student and I wanted to ask you for advice, I needed a mechanical manual for my studies and I was undecided between two manuals both of the hoepli:

manual mechanicshttp://www.hoepli.it/libro/manuale-di-meccanica/9788820329013.htmlmanual mechanical engineerhttp://www.hoepli.it/libro/manuale-dellingegnere-meccanico/9788820333805.htmlIf you can tell me what the best is for you, or you say which other manuals are good. thank you very much to all those who dedicate the precious time to answer me:)
if you are looking for there are similar discussions and we have already indicated the titles and authors. The best are those in English. Unfortunately, the Italians you mentioned have several wrong couriers.... I hope they have put them in place.
if you are looking for there are similar discussions and we have already indicated the titles and authors. The best are those in English. Unfortunately, the Italians you mentioned have several wrong couriers.... I hope they have put them in place.
but you see that you are an engineer who knows how to advise me given your experience? Thank you.
they treat different topics in different ways. the second you b from life on various and complex locks. the first is a little more focused on design and practical part. just read the sums to understand the differences.
depends on what you have to do, if only for mechanics or if you have to do thermal and similar locks.
for the design of mechanical organs treated seriously I recommend shigley's mechanical engineering design that I think is also found in Italian. with these projects the mechanics of everything: gears, chains, bronzes and bearings, tabs, joints, pins, bolts etc.
sin there is no true manual with everything, including regulations, Eurocodes, fatigue, eighty mechanics. I have my 4 manuscript volumes but I have not published them yet... who knows... one day maybe I will sell them and publish

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