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organize many different drawing files in a multisheet file


Good morning and hello to all,
I have the need, with catia v5, to create a new multi sheet design (unique file) consisting of a set of separate drawings already existing (many files) referring to the same model 3d.
Has anyone suggested methodological (or script/macro) to perform as described?
Thank you.
macro or script I don't think they can do that kind of automatism.
you need to copy all existing catdrawing file views and paste them into each sheet you create in the unique file.
I feel like I recommend you di non fare a unique file. .
if you ruin or lose that file, you lose a lot of work and especially it becomes a huge file to manage,
better a file for each drawing.
Thanks for the answer.
I'll get some evidence.
I do not share your thinking about the counters of the single multifoil file that I consider more "ordinated" and rational species if managed in pdm/plm.


I have not understood your question well, but I think it goes beyond a simple past copy of views or sheets.

for my part I can advise you to use the 3d scenarios to create the different configurations of your 3d model and then in the catdrawing to associate with a sheet.1 a *x* scenario and then copy the sheet into the catdrawing and rename it sheet.2 replace the connection of views with *y* scenario and update the sheet.


I have not understood your question well, but I think it goes beyond a simple past copy of views or sheets.

for my part I can advise you to use the 3d scenarios to create the different configurations of your 3d model and then in the catdrawing to associate with a sheet.1 a *x* scenario and then copy the sheet into the catdrawing and rename it sheet.2 replace the connection of views with *y* scenario and update the sheet.
the initial question is not clear and leaves doubts about interpretation.
I agree with you @giogo that if all catdrawings point to the same catproduct .. scenarios are made on purpose, but this must be done immediately at the beginning.
I understood that catdrawings already exist and I imagine complete quotations and annotations and pointing to the single catpart.
In that case, if you want them all in a unique file, then you just have to copy and paste.

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