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problem with elevation change


I'm working with autocad 2014, I entered a drawing obtained by vectorizing an old planimetry using wintopo
I created a block of this design and glued it into another design, after adapting it with line I exploded the block
I wanted to give a quota ( elevation) to my polylines but when I change the value in the property panel the lines, instead of staying "immobili" on the vertical varying the only z, they move me!
I also tried to move some lines to other dwg, I attach an exampleView attachment Drawing5.dwgI also tried with express tools flatten but nothing changes
if I design a normal line and change quota, it normally behaves moving on the axis of the z

What's wrong? What have I done? ? :confused:
Thank you.
Are you sure you're working on the global ucs and you're looking at the design perfectly from above and not with a sloping view?
for safety I also copied some lines in a new design (so ucs and standard view) but it makes me the same effect!
Can you try with the attached dwg to see if it's my problem or it's coming back?
polylines are not on the global Ukrainian plane, they have an extrusion value that is not 0.0.1
to do not miss too much explodile time (they turn into lines), select everything and from property assigns to the initial and final lines z = 0, then reunite everything and turn into poly3dIf you like the same...

if you bring them near the land (the origin of the coordinates) turn into 2d polylinee
As a matter of fact, I don't care that they are 3d polylines, 2d is enough with elevation (averagely 280 meters, there must have been a mess with the block scale)
but how do lines not be in the same plane as other objects?
if I use flatten lines move me (or delete me, I can't find them anymore)
I exploded everything, I gave 0 to the zetas and now it's slowly hanging up the pieces and as I expected it hung up between them wrong things but I take everything by hand
I'd say we're here!
remains to understand how everything happened this mess. . .

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