done by windows, it means that I want to understand if you have renamed the file from the operating system by rename or renamed it by catia in rescue management by selecting it and applying "Save by name"What do you mean, "if I did it from windows? "
Attached I put you saving the test file.2 contained in the test folder.2 taken from the test file.1 contained in the test folder.1
Bye-byecertainly use the directory propagation though (memory side) appears selectable only if the files are more than one director
se tu mi confermi that you non move your files with the classic copy and paste made with window, ma utilizzi management save and propagate directories.... then your case remains a mystery and I don't know how to help you.Hey, guys.
thanks for your time@vittori I changed the settings as you recommended (now that list is like from image) but there's still the same problem
I also tried to do what you explain in the last message with the directory propagation but continue to remain links
emanuele... but vafffffffff . you threw us into 2 days.Then it went point 1 is very uncomfortable because I have to open two caty sessions point 2 if I close both sessions and I reopen one and open the two products in the same session again I have the same problem so I am forced to open every time a different session of caia (is it wrong? )
point 3 and I don't say it to make the pignolo but you haven't been clear.. no one told me to open two cat sessions but you told me, previously I don't remember who, to close caia and to reopen the files.
in any case I thank you for the help
♪But on one thing I disagree.. that is the fact of having to give a different name to a component
I don't always have to give it
example: structure in profiles.. a profile I will call it profile 1 but for each contract I will always have a profile 1..the only thing that changes is the length
Sure. people with the same name and surname, maybe born in different days and different places? What are you talking about?there are people with the same surname hahahah
and anyway it would not make sense the name you gave to the profile because maybe tomorrow, for necessity, I need to do it 600 long and I have to give it back the name.. think if I had to do this for a structure with 20 different profiles