How Does Artificial Intelligence Support Product Development?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the product development process and one of the areas in which it is fundamental is Concept Design. For Siemens, the Digital Thread starts precisely from this phase, immediately integrating AI as a tool to support the creativity of designers.

AI makes it easier to start a project from an idea while meeting requirements and constraints, making it easy to consult past projects to find elements useful for the new design. Once the design is outlined, AI simplifies and speeds up detailed analyzes and routine operations on the components, thus creating an interactive and integrated development environment.

The process begins with systems engineering or Model-Based Design, accompanying the team along all phases: from requirements management to modeling, from product architecture to electronic and mechatronic design. Before moving on to the next phase, analyzes are conducted which allow us to avoid the use of prototyping in the early stages, optimizing time and resources.

The development team can thus proceed with the creation of the engineering bill of materials, followed by the production bill and the software bill, tracing a fluid and integrated path from design to implementation.

AI applied to industry with Siemens experience

AI for industrial applications differs significantly from AI for educational and commercial uses, as it must comply with rigorous requirements and standards of the most demanding industrial environments.

With the ability to process large amounts of data from machines and recognize complex patterns, industrial-grade AI helps companies scale digital transformation, achieve their goals and become sustainable Digital Enterprises.

Start your journey with industrial AI together with Siemens.

Making industrial-grade AI is a complex challenge. Siemens collaborates with partners from various industries and academia to develop AI and make it industry-ready. Siemens is committed to making industrial AI accessible without the need for specialized skills, enabling companies to drive transformation effectively.

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